Bertie Lubner week 15-18 March 2021

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Bertie Lubner week 15-18 March 2021

Published on: March 29th, 2021

Bertie Lubner Week was adopted by the Alumni members from the Alumni programme Conference in 2018. Its mandate is to provide an opportunity for Alumni members to volunteer and celebrate Bertie Lubner’s birthday and his legacy that has benefited many young people in South Africa. In the year 2021, the Alumni network will hosted its third annual Bertie Lubner Week on the 15th– 18th March 2021 in all Afrika Tikkun Johannesburg and Cape Town centres. There were over 450 young people that volunteered and celebrated Bertie Lubner’s legacy in 2020. This year we aimed to engage more than 500 Alumni members for this wonderful occasion.


To promote volunteerism in celebration of Bertie Lubner’s legacy from the 15th– 18th March 2021.

Main activities in a week view